Friday, December 27, 2019

The Assassination Of Abraham Lincoln Essay - 1342 Words

â€Å"Sic Semper Tyrannis† or â€Å"Thus always I bring death to tyrants† were the famous words of Confederate actor John Wilkes Booth after he shot President Lincoln at Ford’s Theatre. The assassination of Abraham Lincoln was a devastating event that will be forever remembered in the hearts of all American citizens. On April 20, 1999 in Littleton, Colorado, Booth’s words became a part of another American tragedy; Columbine high school was the setting for arguably one of the most infamous school shootings in the history of America. Two average American boys, Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris would make Columbine high school one of the most famous in the world by taking aim at their peers and teachers, yet few people know that the notorious shooting was originally planned to be a massive bombing. One of the boys wore a shirt under his trench coat with the infamous words blazen on the front to guarantee that their message was understood-- they were seeking what they considered as justice when they were setting off bombs in their high school. The school shooting was not the original plan for the two seniors, Harris and Klebold had planned to blow their high school to smithereens. Firearms were suppose to play only a small part the attack or what the boys called â€Å"Judgement Day.† Jefferson County Police Department, the local department that handled the case, has recently released the journals of the two shooters; the journals include detailed itineraries for the attack and all of the trialsShow MoreRelatedThe Assassination Of Abraham Lincoln861 Words   |  4 PagesAppomattox Courthouse, one of America s greatest presidents, Abraham Lincoln, was shot and killed by a man named John Wilkes Booth. Specifically, John Wilkes Booth was an American play actor and a big sympathiser for the Confederacy. Booth was well known for his hatred towards the President and his crazy ideas and motives, which lead to the killing of Lincoln. Many conspiracies and theories today believed the assassination of Abraham Lincoln was hand led by John Wilkes alone, but other conspiracies believedRead MoreThe Assassination Of Abraham Lincoln1064 Words   |  5 PagesColin Shafer Abraham Lincoln’s Assassination President Abraham Lincoln was the first United States president ever to be assassinated while in office. He was president during the Civil War and had many people that did not like him. John Wilkes Booth did not like Abraham Lincoln and was responsible for the President’s death. Abraham Lincoln was born in Harden County, Kentucky on February 12, 1809. His parents were Thomas and Nancy Hanks Lincoln. In 1818, his mother died while he was just nine yearsRead MoreThe Assassination Of Abraham Lincoln1535 Words   |  7 PagesMichael Cardenas Ritmann History 2B October 16, 2015 The Assassination Of Abraham Lincoln On April 14, 1865 at twelve o’ clock midnight John Wilkes Booth lay in his bed at the National Hotel. Three days earlier he had attended a speech given by President Abraham Lincoln at the White House. The civil war had commenced just two days earlier and the crowd was jubilant. When Lincoln concluded his speech with the the acknowledgment of black suffrage, Booth became incensed and declared that â€Å"Now byRead MoreThe Assassination of Abraham Lincoln511 Words   |  2 PagesThe Assassination of Abraham Lincoln The assassination of President Abraham Lincoln occurred on April 15, 1865, Washington, D.C. Lincoln was watching the play â€Å"Our American Cousin† at Ford’s Theatre located in Washington D.C. John Wilkes Booth entered the theatre during the play and shot and killed President Lincoln. This tragic event changed history. President Lincoln was the President of the United States during the time of slavery. He was also the president during the Civil War. Lincoln wantedRead MoreThe Assassination Of Abraham Lincoln Essay1317 Words   |  6 Pagesâ€Å"Sic Semper tyrannis† or â€Å"Thus always I bring death to tyrants† were the famous words of Confederate actor John Wilkes Booth after he shot President Lincoln at Ford’s Theatre. The assassination of Abraham Lincoln was a tragic event that will be forever remembered in the hearts of all American citizens. On April 20, 1999 in Littleton, Colorado, Booth’s words would make a comeback during another Am erican tragedy; Columbine high school was the setting for arguably one of the most notorious school shootingsRead MoreThe Assassination Of President Abraham Lincoln Essay983 Words   |  4 PagesOne of the most tragic moments throughout all American history in my opinion is the Assassination of President Abraham Lincoln. With no surprise I am writing about certain event that occurred leading up to, during, and after this unfortunate event. This historical event is clouded with conspiracy but I will try to avoid specifics of that particular view. Abraham Lincoln was born in a little town located within Hardin Country, Kentucky on February 12, 1809 ( HeRead MoreThe Assassination of Abraham Lincoln Essay913 Words   |  4 PagesAbraham Lincoln was the 16th president of the United States of America. He was elected into presidency on November 6, 1860. Many of the southern states were unsupportive of Lincoln becoming president because he had run on an anti-slavery platform. Lincoln being elected into presidency caused states such as South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana and Texas to split from the Union. In his inaugural address Lincoln proclaimed it was his duty to maintain the Union; a month laterRead MoreThe Assassination of Abraham Lincoln Essay1646 Words   |  7 Pagesorphaned child-to do all which may be achieved and cherished a just and a lasting peace among ourselves, and with all other nations†-Abraham Lincoln, Second Inaugural Address (Great Documen ts of America 19). Abraham Lincoln was the sixteenth president of the United States and perhaps one of the most hated presidents that ever served, this hatred for president Lincoln came from his options and actions regarding the nation’s conflict at the time; the Civil War, this came after the succession of fourteenRead MoreThe Assassination Of Abraham Lincoln1456 Words   |  6 Pagesbe the same today if Abraham Lincoln was never assassinated on the unfortunate night of April 14, 1865. His killer, John Wilkes Booth, had a strong resent for the Union that subsequently caused a dramatic shift in history. This hatred was caused by many factors, such as his background and where he grew up, his lust for power and fame, and his mental illness. John Wilkes Booth, a master assassinator and conspirator, hoped to strengthen the confederacy by killing Abraham Lincoln. However, this murderRead MoreAbraham Lincoln s Assassination Of President1176 Words   |  5 PagesAbraham Lincoln’s Assassination President Abraham Lincoln was the first United States president ever to be assassinated while in office. He was president during the Civil War and had many people that did not like him. John Wilkes Booth was one of those people and was the man responsible for the Presidents death. The following is about Abraham Lincoln, John Wilkes Booth, Booth’s plan for Lincoln, the President’s assassination, Booth’s capture and how it affected history. Abraham Lincoln was born

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Medication Can Help Reduce Childhood Obesity Essay

There was a time when chubby children were considered cute. It was assumed that their baby fat would melt away and a healthy adult would remain. We now know that childhood obesity can be very harmful for our nations children. Not only can obesity cause health problems but also psychological problems. In recent years, policymakers and medical experts have expressed alarm about the growing problem of childhood obesity in the United States. While most agree that the issue deserves attention, consensus dissolves around how to respond to the problem. One literature review examines one approach to treating childhood obesity: medication can hopefully we can slow down the epidemic. In March†¦show more content†¦Obesity can be a devastating problem from both an individual and a social perspective. It will not inhibit a child from living a normal life, but prevents the child from a healthy and favorable future. Obesity puts children at risk for a number of medical complications, including type 2 diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnea, and orthopedic problems (Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, 2004, p. 1). Researchers Hoppin and Taveras (2004) have noted that obesity is often associated with psychological issues such as depression, anxiety, and binge eating. Obesity also poses serious problems for a society struggling to cope with rising health care costs. The cost of treating obesity currently to tals $117 billion per year—a price, according to the surgeon general, â€Å"second only to the cost of [treating] tobacco use† (Carmona, 2004). The number of children who suffer from obesity grows, long-term costs will only increase. While the scientific data on the concrete effects of these medications in children remain somewhat unclear, medication is not the only avenue for addressing the crisis. Both medical experts and policymakers recognize that solutions might come not only from a laboratory but also from policy, education, and advocacy. The solutions proposed by a number of advocacy groupsShow MoreRelatedThe Levels Of Childhood Obesity914 Words   |  4 PagesLevels of childhood obesity in Australia have been increasing at alarming rates since the 1970s. 1 in 4 Australian children aged 2-17 years are overweight or obese and this is expected to rise to 1 in 3 children by 2025. Being overweight places these children at a greater risk for hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, and other diseases we would ordinarily only see in adults. What’s truly eye-opening is that, for the first time in history, our children may well have significantly shorter life expectanciesRead MoreChildhood Obesity : A Major Health Issue1731 Words   |  7 Pages Abstract Childhood obesity is a major health issue nationwide and globally. This has been going on for many years and childhood obesity has increased tremendously. The main problem is the difference between calorie ingestion and calories consumed. Other influences (hereditary, developmental, and environmental) can also affect obese children. Physical, emotional, and public health issues causes pain and suffering for many children. The process of obesity growth is not completely understoodRead MoreThe Effects Of Nature On Children s Health1536 Words   |  7 Pagesto green space. However, this is not completely true. Children in both urban and rural areas can develop health issues, but one way of reducing the chances of escalating health problems from being unhealthy is to be exposed to the nature. Nature will affect the development of children s health in many beneficial ways. It is important for children to become connect with the nature during their childhood years because this is the mos t important time of their lives, (Faber Taylor Kuo, 2006). AlthoughRead MorePreventing Childhood Obesity1689 Words   |  7 PagesPREVENTING CHILDHOOD OBESITY Preventing Childhood obesity in school age Children Lakeisha L. Jones Nursing 531 September 6, 2010 Abstract Childhood obesity has become a worldwide epidemic. The obesity rate amongRead MoreWhat Is Your Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the U.S. Health Care System in the Context of Delivery, Finance, Management, and/or Sustainability? What Are the Issues That Prompted a Need for Health Care Reform1122 Words   |  5 Pagesespecially nurses. Health promotion seeks to improve a person or population’s health by teaching about and helps people become more aware of risky behaviors associated with different diseases. It encourages individuals to take preventative measures to prevent onset or worsening of a disease or illness. It encourages a healthier lifestyle (Edelman amp; Mandle, 2010). The strategy is to help people make health improvements or prevention before illness occurs. Health promotion is one way in addressingRead MoreEffects Of Obesity On Children s Health Levels1006 Words   |  5 PagesWhat is obesity? Obesity is a serious, sometimes fatal condition in which a person is significantly overweight for his or her age and height. Many children suffer from this condition all over the world. Childhood obesity is one of the most increasing health threats that the United States faces. It causes many problems with the children’s health levels. Childhood obesity can lead to diabetes and many other health problems.There may be no symptoms other than weight that s above normal. Many researchersRead MoreObesity Is A Major Health Epidemic1264 Words   |  6 PagesThe topic chosen was on obesity, the reason why this topic was chosen is obesity has now become a major health epidemic. Americans are increasing becoming overweight, which is leading to several major health problems that is costing our health care systems billions of dollars a year to treat . This is a health related problem that can be prevented if individuals were to make better choices when it comes to their diet and activities. The reason these three articles were chosen are they provide primaryRead MoreChildhood Obesity And Its Effects On Children1093 Words   |  5 Pages Obesity is a serious, sometimes fatal condition in which a person is significantly overweight for his or her age and height. Many children suffer from this condition all over the world. Childhood obesity is one of the most increasing health threats that the United States faces. Many researchers ask how children get to be so overly obese and unhealthy. They have come up with ways to somehow prevent it; however, the rates of the growing disease have grown rapidly over the years. It causes many problemsRead MoreA Study On Type 2 Diabetes1553 Words   |  7 Pagespresence of a certain bacteria in your gut may help with the development of the disease. Scientists also say that a woman s dementia risks are higher with the disease because of the blocked brain and blood vessels. After analyzing data with 2.5 million participants, researchers found that women have a 20% higher chance than men for developing dementia while also having diabetes. Some studies have even shown that having 3-4 cups of coffee daily may help reduce your risk of Type 2 Diabetes. They say thatRead MoreA Brief Note On The Organic Food Industry Essay1308 Words   |  6 Pagesone-third (35.7 percent) of adults are considered to be obese ( Overweight and Obesity Statistics. National Institutes of Health). If Colorado wants to reduce health problems, then legislators and community leaders must reduce the price of healthy food to increase the rate of people to become healthier to, improve the lives of people who struggle with chronic illness, while preventing certain health risks like diabetes, obesity, and heart diseases. For instance, patients with these concerns

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Culture and Understanding of Mission

Question: Describe about mission and culture, gospel and culture, and features of cultural dimensions and viewpoints in global context. Answer: Overview The term, Culture has been variously interpreted to apprehend the causes of events and processes of life that govern the society. The existence of Human Beings and other living elements of the ecosphere stand on certain dictums of Nature, the Community and the Administrative viewpoints that construct the customary disciplines of socio-political, legal and ethical conducts. The Religious, Academic and Professional institutes attempt to inculcate the ethos or vision of unconditional commitments toward self and other individuals and cultivate the seeds of etiquettes and communicative procedures to interact with the world (Andrew, 2015). Mission and Culture There is intimate relation among Mission and culture that penetrates the sense of self discipline, self-actualisation, identification, self-determination, eternal love and dignified traits of parallel feelings for everyone. It is the supreme power who sends Himself to the world, to shower His blessings as Father, son of Deity and the sacred essence of everlasting strength for revitalisation and restoration of the communal domain of the earth. The Mission highlights the analytical doctrines of Truth of existence and the needs of Divine Spirit, prayer, Blessings of the Almighty peace, justice, morality, supreme guidance to the Followers of the Deity, sacrifice and other virtues (Jesus.Org. 2016). The Religious and social beliefs of every individual give rise to psychological tenets to deal with every form of situation faced in a particular circumstance. The mission aims to present the Biblical aspects of originality of life within the natural settings of heaven, space, soil, ground, wa ter and the entire world of living creatures formed by the miraculous actions of God. There are geographical, physical, Governmental segregations that reflect the impression of horizontal or straightforward distinction of traditional and language impediments. On the other hand, there are discriminations among the social statuses of people placed in diversified sectors of regions, states, countries across the continents of the global arena. This predicts the differences in values and ideologies of mankind based on distinguished levels of economic and socio-political structure creating the psychological distance amidst the public. Thus, it builds up the vertical forms of separation standing on logical interpretation (Jandt, 2013). The miscellaneous nations having multi-dimensional cultural features encircle around the beliefs and customs of the people who seem to follow the doctrines of the contemporary views of the mission that preach the message of life, social and legal methods of working together to circulate the pragmatic expression of peace. The poor should not be deprived of the prime requisites of existence in the communal set up (, 2016). There exists an urgency to find out the cause and eliminate the roots of poverty, illiteracy, malnutrition, unhealthy and unhygienic situations, homelessness and seclusion, vulnerability to communal threats and other types of social and economic barriers of culture. God is the ultimate authority that governs every action of man and He symbolises harmony in his acknowledgment as the creator that reflects the concept of peaceable situation as represented in the New Testament. The ideals of Christianity perpetuated from the messianic activities of Jewish culture at the first century of Common period that disseminated the vision of revival and salvation across the regions of Mediterranean belt along with Roman and Italian lands. The understanding of Christian mission penetrates the concept of sanctified soul that holds the real ardour of foundation of life-force and generates the mechanism of innovativeness. The different patterns of ideals and exercises of Roman Catholicism, Protestant philosophies and Eastern views of Orthodox culture ultimately accentuate on the spreading of Christian ethics and values from the Western parts to that of Eastern regions of the world (VanderPol, 2014). The church and other pious organisations serves the real purpose of clarity of expression of arguments, opinions and speeches that stress on the significance of noble judgements and performances while learning about the submission of Christ to venerate the Deity. The people a re advised to proceed in integrated direction to attain the real goals of visionary perspectives of life. The quiet and peaceable state of affairs uphold the relaxed and impeccable settings of refurbishment from varied sorts of collective and reciprocated approaches among the interface within the distinguished section of masses, other living objects and the heavenly spirit. The congregation of people from different parts of European, Asian, African, American and other zones represent the consciousness of cultural impacts on the societal front that signifies the context of evangelism. The manifestation of the announcement of God get inscribed within the temperaments of beliefs that flourishes with the richness of generosity to abolish the pessimistic attitudes from the hearts of mankind. The people attempt to cultivate the positive effects of the supreme power amidst distinguished traditions of different nations and adopting the creative spirit of motivation and enlightenment (Herman, 2013). The influence of Hellenistic discourses on the religious events and literary impulses have been upgraded with the concept of realism and rationalised thoughts. Gospel and Culture The appreciative aspects of Gospel refer to the factual representation of Virtuous summary of noble thoughts and actions regarding the ideologies of Jesus Christ. It is regarded as decent and moral announcement of the preaching of Christ. Thus it serves the purpose of communicating evidence through interactive messages or statements in uttered practises as revealed in Luke 7: 22 and mentioned in Romans 10:14-17. There are also interpretation of the Gospel as the information in written pattern of expression according to the subscriptions of Luke 1:1-2. The transmission of the message embedded in Evangelism infers the features of cautionary advice to the persons on the actions and magnitudes of immorality and decadence or sinful performances as referred in John 16:8, Acts 24:25 and Revelation 20:11-15 ( 2016). There is also delineation of the Lords curative efforts for events of turpitude or sin in the Acts 8:29-35, Romans 3:21-26, 2 and Corianthians 5:21. At the final step to move out of immoral deeds or regret and apologise with the responsive attitude to endeavour to follow the words of the Almighty with honest and perfect confession by believing on the voice of God clarifies the doctrines on Trust and Assurance of Faith according to the portrayed versions of the sections of Mark 1:15, Luke 13:1-5, Romans1:17, 10:9-13 and Acts 17:29-31.The expression of verses in the passages of Gospel explicitly demonstrates the subjective attachment to the sovereign power that spiritualises the intellect in conscious and unconscious states of the mental faculty (Jesus.Org. 2016). The people are ware always endorsed to participate in praying or adoring God with newer perspectives of questing for self attentiveness and knowledge of the Natural environment surrounding us. The awareness of treasuring habits and physical and psychosomatic behaviour while responding to conscience of inner-self and the interactive outputs of others perpetuate the actual representation of culture. This builds the solid grounds of recognizing the inner possessions and unique anticipations of trust and confidence with intelligence and wisdom of learning. The Christian ideals and principles of heritage needs to concentrate on the public concerns of wellness and empowerment of every individual to implant the sentiments and emotions of cooperative, compassionate and supportive attitudes toward the economically and socially backward classes (Harrison, 2012). According to the Cultural Mandate in Genesis 1: 26-28, there are illustrations of formation of living creatures, where the humans are fashioned in the resemblance of Gods reproduction in the form of men and women to dominate on the activities of the animal kingdom including fishes and birds, Adam and Eve being the first human beings. The mankind received the glorified consecrations of the Almighty who inspired the humans to grow and proliferate with fellow feelings of love and gratitude with shared assertiveness for others. The God recommended to germinate the sources to produce miniature Nobles while emerging out of self-centredness and submit themselves to the command of the Lord (Grimmond, 2013).. On the contrary, the scandal of particularity contradicts the intimacy and closeness of men and women that suppresses the feelings of faith and controversial elements of the connection between the Lord and the child, Israel nurtured through maternal feeding that identifies the human atta chments propounded in the Old Testament. As per the views on, the Word became Flesh in John 1:14, the entire communications reflect the information acknowledged from. God to enlighten human world. Jesus Christ represents the aspirations along with the guidance and meaningful suggestions to elevate the spiritual levels of motivation and reflection of parental association with their descendants (, 2016). Christ and Culture The presence of the omnipotent power lies in the realisation of the supreme strength of the Divine spirit embedded within the representativeness of Father, the sacred soul and the son of God all being included in a single entity. This signifies that Christ personifies the humanistic attitudes of patience and love with eternal bonding of love and care for the community. The Son of God carries out the dictums of knowledge to transmit among the people and establish mutual understanding and flexible relationship among each other. He embodies the intimate spiritual union with the Almighty (Andrew, 2015). Christ has addressed the varied levels of living community to travel in the self-governing and self-determining approaches to understand the perception of culture in a flexible manner. However, the modern western refinement and sophisticated views are gradually focussing toward complex procedures of scientific and technical values of civilized societies. The contemporary opinions of the educated class reconnoitres the vision of genuine success through inventive and novel forms of challenges and experiments in cross-cultural communities. Richard Niebuhrs conception on specified features of Christ and Culture discusses the persistent confrontation that draws out the connection between the values of Christian ethics and that of civilised society. The Christ against Culture portrays the honest conviction of principles of cultural morality. The opposite ideology of fidelity towards Christ and Christian associates directly contradicts the communal culture that demarcates between the fraternal relations among Gods descendants and that of the worldwide conception. The Christ of Culture delineates Him to be the Liberator of the community that receives all forms of serenities of expectations and desires to venerate the world. The morality of gratification, deliverance and development of society gets elevated with the synchronisation of eternal glory and peace. According to the dictums of Christ above culture, the conflict is presented in the form of opposition among the supreme and divine spirit and that of evil man ( 2016). The Lord advocates the doctrines of cultural theme and order of the state and there are no positive or negative components that constructs the platform of culture. There are no ways to segregate the elegance of God and the actions of Human beings as the performances of the people are monitored by the heavenly influence. On the contrary, there lies a perplexing confrontation regarding the views on loyal attitude towards Christ and the approachability towards culture. This illustrates the concept of Christ and Culture in Paradox that disagrees with equilibrium and stability of immoral glimpses of principles in cultural states and the marvellous charm of the absolute power. The virtue and vice cannot co-exist to produce a twofold perception (Trevin, 2015). Features of Cultural dimensions and viewpoints in global context The entire living community is dependent on the cultural magnitudes of social and economic benefits, happiness, precision of deeds and accomplishments, mindfulness and cognizance of accountabilities toward themselves and others. In other words, Culture constitutes the cohesive approach for realising the inner conscience, the features of spiritual elevation to understand the vital facts of lifecycle, the Creator of the Universe, the norms and values of idealistic thoughts and emotions, gratitude and love and so on. The cultural aspects of the distinct counties across the world reflects a concrete structure of living criteria while adjusting with the surroundings (Meadows, 2012). The characteristics of adaptability, cooperation, involvement with diverse categories of work penetrate the seeds of genuine culture. The different types of interaction among the distinguished individuals and the groups of persons need to manage and exchange their opinions to fruitfully accomplish a task within a society. The communication among the different countrymen holds the foundation of inter-personal relationship to lead a team of functioning organisation that are mutually depended. The social infrastructure and technological upgradation have solidified the networking phenomena that links up inter- communal gaps. The domestic and professional environment along with the business world constitute the cultural strength of modern society (Babnik, et al. 2014). Conclusion The shared vision of devoted feelings with the incarnate creatures present the blessed objectives of union with the Almighty that reveals the organised, logical, and resolute platform to provide shelter to the diversified species irrespective of sexual categories, class and creed. The blissful mind gets elevated at the perception of mutual exchange of acquitted outlooks through humanism at the financial, administrative, societal, legislative, ecological, virtuous, and decent levels of communicating technique. The personality traits of every individual represents the pattern of education received through the family customs, missionaries, Informative and Scholastic learning Centres and Vocational organisations, Universities, Health and Welfare Communities, Offices, recreational spaces, etc. References Andrew, J. (2015). Rebuilding the Christian Commonwealth. Lexington: The University Press of Kentucky. Babnik, K., Breznik, K., Dermol, V. and Trunk irca, N. (2014). The mission statement: organisational culture perspective. Industr Mngmnt Data Systems, 114(4), pp.612-627. Bonk, J. (2014). Book Review: Culture Change in Ethiopia: An Evangelical Perspective. International Bulletin of Mission Research, 38(3), pp.155-155. Canavan, G. (2013). The Anthropology of the Future. Postmodern Culture, 24(1). (2016). Direction: The. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 18 Mar. 2016]. (2016). Resources: mission to culture. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 18 Mar. 2016]. Grimmond, P. (2013). Gods plan for work: The cultural mandate. [Online] The Briefing. Available at: [Accessed 18 Mar. 2016]. Harrison, D. (2012). Then sings my soul. Urbana: University of Illinois Press. Herman, D. (2013). Selfhood beyond the Species Boundary. Postmodern Culture, 24(1). Highmore, B. (2015). Culture. ? Taylor et Francis. Jandt, F. (2013). An introduction to intercultural communication. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications. Jesus.Org. (2016). How Do We Impact Culture for Christ? - Evangelism and Missions. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 18 Mar. 2016]. Meadows, P. (2012). Mission and Discipleship in a Digital Culture. Mission Studies, 29(2), pp.163-182. Moore, R. (2015). Onward. Nashville, Tenn.: BH Pub. Group. Platt, D. (n.d.). A compassionate call to counter culture in a world of poverty, same-sex marriage, racism, sex slavery, immigration, persecution, abortion, orphans, pornography. Trevin Wax. (2015). Christ and Culture An Overview of a Christian Classic. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 18 Mar. 2016]. VanderPol, G. (2014). Book review: Culture Change in Ethiopia: An Evangelical Perspective, written by Alemayehu Mekonnen. Mission Studies, 31(3), pp.448-449. Whrisch-Oblau, C. (2014). Evangelism and Popular Culture. International Review of Mission, 103(2), pp.215-226., (2016). [Online] Available at: [Accessed 18 Mar. 2016].

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Suicide in the Trenches by Siegfried Sassoon and Green Beret by Ho Thien Essay Example

Suicide in the Trenches by Siegfried Sassoon and Green Beret by Ho Thien Paper Both these poems are based around the theme of war, however they are set in different periods of time. Suicide in the Trenches deals with the stresses that war can inflict and how tragic it can sometimes be. It focuses on the life and death of a soldier boy. Throughout the poem the poet emphasises the simplicity of the boy. The poem has a simple layout and rhyme scheme, Sassoon is probably trying to suggest the simplicity of the soldier boy and how simple the life of a soldier in the trenches would have been. Green Beret is more recent and is based on the Vietnamese war. It tells the story of a Vietnamese boy who is being threatened with the death of his father to give information about the Vietnamese people. Throughout the poem the poet suggests how the brutal actions of the soldiers only seem to make the resistance force greater. Both of these poems differ from each other but they both show the tragedies involved in war. The poets in both poems use different methods to show their ideas. In Suicide in the Trenches the poem is structured in quatrains and the poems layout is very simple. I think that Sassoon used the quatrains and a simple layout to emphasise the simplicity of the simple soldier boy. I also think that he may have used this layout to imitate the life of a soldier, as soldiers are thought to be orderly and neat. Sassoon uses a title which prepares us for a poem containing grown up men, however, when we read the first line we get the image of a young boy. This shows us that the young boys involved found the war it so dreadful that some even took extreme measures to get away from it. We will write a custom essay sample on Suicide in the Trenches by Siegfried Sassoon and Green Beret by Ho Thien specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Suicide in the Trenches by Siegfried Sassoon and Green Beret by Ho Thien specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Suicide in the Trenches by Siegfried Sassoon and Green Beret by Ho Thien specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer In contrast, Thien uses a narrative approach and relates to events in order as though it was a story. The first long stanza focuses on what happened and the last short stanza focuses on how the resistant forces werent defeated, suggesting how brave the boy was for keeping quiet. I think that Thien finally revealed the silence of the boy so that the reader remained intrigued in the poem and it kept up the suspense. Green Beret is in free verse and both stanzas are unevenly spread. I think that this is because Ho Thien wants us to know that the Green Beret soldiers may be unfair and that the boy and the Vietnamese people are very much in charge of their own decisions and that they wont give information away about their people, no matter what consequences are involved. At the end of the poem Thien even compares the Vietnamese people to fierce animals, like tigers across the High Plateau. I think that Thien uses tigers so that we get the impression that the Vietnamese are like predators and that they are quiet when the move making it very hard for the Americans to find or detect them. The lengths of the poems also vary dramatically. Green Beret is rather long, which is probably because the poet wants us to know that the war went on for a long time and that it may have been very awkward for the Americans to get information. In the second stanza we get the impression that the brutal actions by the American forces only makes the resistant forces stronger and when the poet mentions wall of steel we can imagine how strong the resistant forces must be. Whereas, when we look at Suicide in the Trenches we can see that its much shorter indicating that suicide was part of life in the trenches. It also gives us the impression that the soldiers would have got over these tragedies quickly and that suicide was part of everyday life. The rhyme scheme and rhythm are significantly different when we compare both poems. In Suicide in the Trenches the rhyme scheme is rather straightforward; aabbcc (This again shows the simplicity of the soldier boy. ) The rhythm functions to make the poem easy to read and remember. However, when we reach lines seven and eight, the rhythm changes; He put a bullet through his brain. No one spoke of him again. I think the poet used these two lines to emphasise the brutality and the harsh reality of war. I also think it shows how desperate war really was. In both poems the poets use the language differently. In Green Beret Thien gives a sense of realism by adding dialogue, it also gives a true sense of how Green Beret spoke. When he commands kill the old guy in front of the boy we see how heartless and unsympathetic that Green Beret really is. The poet describes the boy as frail and slight, this shows that the boy may be quite malnourished and that he may be rather vulnerable. At the end of the poem Thien describes the Vietnamese army as tigers. He probably used this particular word as tigers are a sneaky and strong type of an animal and perhaps he wanted the reader to know that they are strong and quite a formidable force. Thien also uses repetition like eyes. I think that he uses eyes so much through the poem as eyes can show a persons emotions very effectively. When we find out that the boy has the eyes of a hurt animal, we take the boys side and we feel sympathetic towards him. When we look at Thiens choice of verbs they really stand out and put a strong image in the readers head. Thien uses verbs like commanded and roared, I think that Thien used these verbs as they show the brutality of Green Beret and that he is rather ruthless. In the poem Green Beret speaks to the boy in broken English, tell us where or we kill father. I think this is to show that Green Beret thought that the boy was stupid or inferior and by communicating to him this way he would understand what he is saying. By way of contrast, when we study the language used by Sassoon there are no similes, metaphors and very few adjectives used. I think that Sassoon used this technique as war is already brutal and by using very few of these words is presents war as it is and how desperate it was. I think that both of these poems were written for a wide audience; children to adults and they are to show the true horrors of the war. Green Beret was to show the things going on during the Vietnam War, and it almost exalts the Vietnamese people and shows that they werent so weak after all. As we see that the little boy is willing to let his father be killed for the people of his country. On the other hand, Suicide in the Trenches outlines how horrific war can be and it shows that war is fought mentally as well as physically. In conclusion, both of the two poems have a lot of differences but they are still very alike each other as they both still portray the harsh brutality of war. But the two poets have used different techniques and methods to present their ideas and they have the same sadness in their tone. I think that both poets have been very effective with the techniques used as both poems contain a lot of strong emotions. I personally preferred Green Beret as I thought it gave a convincing insight into the war and it showed how brutal it was. It also showed how one small boy could save all his people and how mentally strong he was. Although I thought that Suicide in the Trenches was more effective as it portrayed a lot of emotion and it gave a much different view on war and showed the different mental stresses it contained and how desperate war really was and is.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

A Cry in the Night essays

A Cry in the Night essays 1. The title of my book is A Cry in the Night by Mary Higgins Clark. 2. The place settings of my book are Granite Place, Minnesota and New York City. The time setting is over a period of a year. 3. The main characters in A Cry in the Night are: Erich Krueger-Erich is a 34-year-old man that is a very good artist. Erich is a very rich man whos mother died when he was a little boy. Jenny- Jenny is one of the main characters in my book. Jenny looks just like Caroline who is Erichs mother. Jenny was married to Kevin, but is know married to Erich. Jenny has two girls named Beth and Tina. Jenny was very busy until she married Erich. Kevin-Kevin is Jennys ex-husband who was killed by Erich, but the town thought Jenny killed Kevin. Tina and Beth-Tina and Beth are Jennys daughters who are in a difficult situation. Their situation is Erich wants the girls to forget that Kevin was their father. Tina is 2-years-old and Beth is 3-years-old. Mark-Mark is Erichs best friend who helps Jenny through a very hard time. This time was when the town thought Jenny killed Kevin. Emily-Emily is Erichs friend who is the main talker in the town. If anything went wrong Emily would be sure to tell everyone in the town. Rooney-Rooney is Jennys new best friend. Erich killed Rooneys daughter, but Erich told Rooney that some day her daughter will return. Everyone in town thought Rooney should be put in a mental home except for her husband. Clyde-Clyde is Rooneys husband who comforts her whenever she needs it. Clyde is the main keeper of the Krueger Farm. Erich was very jealous of Clydes relationship with Jenny. Erich thought Clyde and Jenny were more than just friends, but they werent. Person vs. Person-is on of the main conflicts in my book. Person vs. Person is shown when Kevin and Erich got in a fight over Jenny. ...

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Negative Impact of Technology essays

Negative Impact of Technology essays  ¡Negative Impacts On Technologies ¡ Advanced technologies are potential threats to devastate the living environment. Although technologies has helped human beings to adapt an easier way of life, however, in the long term it might not be as beneficial as people realize. Many technologies have led to chronic devastations in the environment this includes automobiles, industrial power plants and medicines. The invention of automobiles have brought convenience to people, on the other hand, it also causes air pollution. Driving is probably the most polluting act an average citizens commits. Pathogens in car exhaust like carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, sulphur dioxide, benzene and polycyclic hydrocarbons are toxic to human body organs. These substances have been shown to produce harmful effects on the blood, bonemarrow, spleen and lymphnodes, any of these pollutants can cause anemia, cardiovascular disease, hypertension and the possibilities of developing several types of cancers. Furthermore, combustion car engines contribute to carbon dioxide accumulation in the atmosphere is responsible for climate changes. Carbon dioxide is the main culprit of greenhouse effect. Meteorological reading taken in the stratosphere over the Arctic show that in six of the past 10 winters, ozone has thinned to half its concentration. Ozone protects the Earth from the Sun ¡s ultraviolet radiations and doctors are concerned that if it is eroded more people will suffer from skin cancer. Moreover, the greenhouse effects is also a main reason responsible for global temperature to increase slightly every year. Report indicates that during the past 20 years, average temperature has increased 0.5 degrees and in the following century the temperature will increase 2 to 5 degrees worldwide. Scientists are concerned about that consequently as the temperature incr...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

CHAPTER 8 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

CHAPTER 8 - Coursework Example When carrying out research, it is important to eliminate bias acts in the process. Using a method that freely involves any of the students will reduce biasness in the manner of selecting students for the survey. In probability sampling, there is a previous knowledge of the probability that a student participates in the survey (Maxfield and Earl, 223). The sample collected from the chosen respondents reflects the general feeling of the total population from which the samples originate. Probability sampling has advantages over other methods of survey. The first advantage is that it offers a better representation of the population than the other methods of survey. The manner of choosing the participants allows for proper representation of the people in the population. Through this, therefore, the method avoids biasness that could occur in choosing participants. The second advantage is that probability sampling gives an opportunity for the sampler to estimate the accuracy of the survey. Through drawing conclusions on probability theory, it is possible to estimate success or failure of the method accurately (Maxfield and Earl,