Thursday, December 19, 2019

Medication Can Help Reduce Childhood Obesity Essay

There was a time when chubby children were considered cute. It was assumed that their baby fat would melt away and a healthy adult would remain. We now know that childhood obesity can be very harmful for our nations children. Not only can obesity cause health problems but also psychological problems. In recent years, policymakers and medical experts have expressed alarm about the growing problem of childhood obesity in the United States. While most agree that the issue deserves attention, consensus dissolves around how to respond to the problem. One literature review examines one approach to treating childhood obesity: medication can hopefully we can slow down the epidemic. In March†¦show more content†¦Obesity can be a devastating problem from both an individual and a social perspective. It will not inhibit a child from living a normal life, but prevents the child from a healthy and favorable future. Obesity puts children at risk for a number of medical complications, including type 2 diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnea, and orthopedic problems (Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, 2004, p. 1). Researchers Hoppin and Taveras (2004) have noted that obesity is often associated with psychological issues such as depression, anxiety, and binge eating. Obesity also poses serious problems for a society struggling to cope with rising health care costs. The cost of treating obesity currently to tals $117 billion per year—a price, according to the surgeon general, â€Å"second only to the cost of [treating] tobacco use† (Carmona, 2004). The number of children who suffer from obesity grows, long-term costs will only increase. While the scientific data on the concrete effects of these medications in children remain somewhat unclear, medication is not the only avenue for addressing the crisis. 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